Peter Pan Child Care Centre Goals:
The most important goals at Peter Pan Child Care Centre is to provide the kind of environment and varied experiences that will allow the child to:
- Make a successful transition from home
- Develop Social Skills while interacting with other children
- Become familiar with a group setting
- Develop an interest and joy in learning
- Develop security and a feeling of success
- Develop independence
- Develop self-control
- Develop creativity
- Develop responsibility
- Become a healthy, happy and productive adult
- And most importantly, to have fun!!
Development Focus
The essentials of a curriculum for this age group of children include:
- Self-help skills
- Gross and fine motor skills
- Communication
- Socialization
- Recreation and leisure skills
The children’s learning environment is designed to promote self-directed play. This is accomplished by establishing well-equipped learning centres. Learning centres allow children to select activities that best reflect their own individual interest, needs, and developmental levels.
All areas engage children in the use of their senses. All foster social, communicative and verbal skills.
Play is the business of childhood; when children build with blocks, explore their environment with all their senses, create with art material, listen to stories and communicate ideas and feelings, he/she is working. Play and learning are inseparable companions. Our program offers free play combined with teacher guided activities.
Program includes free play at the following centers:
- Art Centre
- Book Centre
- Block Centre
- Writing Area
- Manipulatives and Math
- Science
- Music and Movement
- Listening/Reading
- Housekeeping/Dramatic Play
- Water
- Sand
- Sensory
- Circle Time and Special Interest
- Gross Motor Activities – indoors and outdoors
- Field Trips
- Large and small group sessions
Parents will receive a monthly calendar outlining birthdays and special activities for the month. This calendar is posted on the Centre’s Facebook page as well is in the front hallway on the bulletin board.